Saturday, August 31, 2019

Miracles of Life Reaction Paper

Remarkably beautiful, the â€Å"Miracles of Life† records human conception and much more. Living and functioning reproductive systems are shown in the video, and there is so much to explore and absorb. I followed the short journey of millions of sperm as they develop and strive mightily to reach the egg. And I noticed that there isn't a guy in the room who can watch footage without squirming! Likewise, magnification of up to half a million times the actual size allowed me to see the egg from its development in an ovary, through the delicate fallopian tube for fertilization, and on to the uterus for growth and eventual birth. I have never thought about what an absolute miracle my life is. I can’t imagine how I came to be. Out of thousands of eggs and millions of sperm, one egg and one sperm united to produce me. Had the union of sperm and egg come a day or even a month earlier or later, I might have been very different, maybe the opposite sex or with blonde hair or longer legs. The exact person that I am, born to my parents, on the date and time I was born, with the DNA structure I have has about a 1:400,000,000,000 (one in 400 billion) chance of existing. If I don’t call that miraculous, then I don’t know what that is! The film has shown me something profoundly beautiful and yet has left its fundamental mystery intact. The â€Å"Miracles of Life† is exceptional and it is a documentary that can also be considered as art.

 Champion Equality, Diversity and Inclusion SHC53 Essay

Equality refers to individuals being treated as equals, and allowing all to have the same opportunities, and to be treated with respect and dignity and to be given the same opportunities to achieve. Inclusion is the process that includes all, while ensuring that the needs of the individuals are met, whilst overcoming the barriers to prevent everyone participating. Social Model The favoured model that is linked to my work is the social model, which focuses on the child or individual and not on their disability, ethnicity, gender, social background, ect; this model looks at the environment as the problem and not the individual thus enabling them independence and empowerment. The health model of disability Focuses on the persons impairments as the problem and not their environment. This can restrict their independence and highlight their disability. Within my area of work I have children and young people who have autisum, globle development delay and mental health diagnosis and some who have suffered great trauma leading to attachment disorders. Both of the above models impact on our young people, we strive to empower our young people to enable them to lead as normal a life as possible. Our company word is ‘Respect’ our ethos is to wrap around the child allowing them to reach their full potential, and supporting them to make informed choices during their time with us and for their futures. We will always advocate for the child to become as independent as they can, this is achived by personal care plans and life skill plans, the children are included in this planning which enables their voice to be heard and involves them in decision making, With the young person always being at the centre of our ethos this ensures they are treated as individuals and listened to. This allows the young person to be ‘empowered’ to identify their own personal choice on decision making about their own lives .For example; a young person with Mental Health diagnosis may not have the capacity to make all decisions about going to college, but can be part of the planning and the communication around this. When needed we would use social stories, pictorial items and arrange college visits. 1.2 Children living within the care system come across barriers of equality and inclusion, in care carries a stigma â€Å"they must be bad† this prejudice happens out of ignorance and the lack of empathy, this prejudice is grown out of assumptions that all looked after children are small criminals . This can have a huge impact on their self-esteem and leave them feeling unable to accesses the community for activities. Discrimination can have a negative effect on children and adults; this can affect their well-being and their mental health. If children and young people lose their confidence, they may become withdrawn and spend periods of time alone, in their bedrooms feeling rejected and that they don’t belong. This will affect their confidence and self-esteem preventing them from engaging in activities within the community and school if this is not addressed then it could  affect their future prospects. The long term effects of exclusion can result in the young person continually thinking they are bad or cannot fit into society, ending up in prison or mental health residential homes because they only feel safe when institutionalised . I feel this prejudice is unwarranted and leads to these children having to try harder to fit in to society. These children often come from low economic homes or have parents who have health problems, they grow up feeling excluded. Becker states â€Å"society labels the individual or group, they are then treated differently† Personal – were your own prejudge can influence you’re practise. Mental health and the stigma this brings .The social consequences of ‘labelling’, according to Becker ‘society labels the individual or group, they are then treated differently. The feelings shown or felt towards the looked after child or the stigma of mental health can give staff or the community a preconception of the young person before they have got to know them. The effects of the stigma on the looked after child comes from being in the care system through behaviours that have come from incidents that are of no fault of their own ,it has come from the trauma of neglet ,abuse or a mental health diagnosis . The looked after child who has the stigma of mental health alongside the stigma of being a looked after child, will need additional support to ensure the opportunities of inclusion and equality are always available to them, enabling any barriers within the community to be overcome. These young people and their behaviours can raise The anxieties of the residents within a community can be raised purely due to the young people being in care within their neighbourhood, making it harder for them to fit in. The role of the care team is to ensure all areas of planning are covered to enable the young people have equality within the community in which they live. 1.3 Best practise within my own area of working means I need to understand the most current legislation ,I need to be familiar with the acts of parliament that inform my policies . These acts are; disability discrimination act ( 1995 ) the NH’s and community care act (1990 ) the mental health act (1983 ) the equality act (2010 ) mental capacity act (2005 ) and best interest assessment articles 1,2 and 14 of the Human rights act (1995 ) sex discrimination act (1975 ) equal pay act (1970 ) race relations act (2000) employment ,equality (religion or belief )regulations (2003 ) The children’s act 1989 –clause which requires authorities to take special account of children’s disabilities and the support needed to enable them to live as near as normal lives as possible. Guidance in the form of ‘no secrets’, (doh,2000) which sets out adult protection policies and recognises adult discrimination as abuse. The documentation working together to safe guard children (doh,2010) which requires PR actions to guard against ‘myths and stereotypes’. Equality, diversity and inclusion are at the core of all that we do, these policies and legislation’s impacts on how I work to support the needs and outcomes of my team and the children within our care. The legislation ensure that people receive equal opportunities, promotes diversity, equality and inclusion, and is a legal requirement that they are implemented within the organisation, this makes it illegal to discriminate against people for any reason . If we did not work following the guidance and legislation it would impact on the staff team and the service user resulting in low morale and confusion, leaving them feeling discriminated against, which could them unhappy resulting in them acting out behaviours, this can then affect how the team continues to work with them.Regular reviews, supervision and appraisals support the team to ensure our working practise is effective. With the changes in legislation the working practise has also changed, children in care are now cared for, gone are the days of work houses and only health care for the rich. Over the years Equality, has promoted the equal rights of all. 2. Be able to champion diversity, equality and inclusion. 2.1 When supporting the rights of children and staff it is important and essential to remember that not all are the same, If you penalise a individual because they are different, this can make them feel unwanted .The rules and boundaries of the home are the same for all, the children’s plans within this are individual to them. The children’s support and care plans ensure our practise meets all criteria of policy to ensure equality, diversity and inclusion for all. Adults who work within our setting should think about their own values and beliefs and how discriminatory comments can affect the home, the child and their colleges. Within our organisation we invest in ongoing training and have policies in place to enable staff to reach their full potential whilst being able to promote diversity, equality and inclusion these include; Allegations against staff policy – to support staff in the event of an allegation leading to a section . Equality opportunities policy –ensuring we are equal to all staff and young people Grievance procedure –to ensure all staff and young people have the right to a process of complaint and grievance Staff recruitment – clear guidelines for staff to see all recruitment meets equality Complaints policy –so all have the right to fairness and equality and the processes to complain if this is not felt Staff hand book –has clear guidance on policy and procedure to ensure staff are supported in their employment and training Young person’s hand book –clear boundaries ,home rules and guidance on what to do when not happy Safe in care policy –this is to ensure all young people living in the home and staff are aware off the needs of each individual person this is followed up with a safe in care agreement were all young people sign up to ,this helps with bulling within a children’s home . 2.2 Part of my role as house manager is having a duty of care, and having the ability to challenge discrimination and exclusion, whilst still working within the our policies. To achieve this it is essential to ensure that the supervision of the team promotes good practise. It is important to involve staff in their individual development plans, ensuring that these are tailored to their individual support needs. Within this process it is important to challenge any barriers that arise preventing exclusion, equality, diversity, the staff member has a right for their voice to be heard, this creates a culture of transparency which allows for growth and good practise. I expect my team to lead by example and show our children  respect and dignity and to be non-judgemental, if discrimination ,bulling or prejudice of any form of is witnessed by child or adult this is challenged. We have a very clear zero tolerance procedure and clear guidelines on how to make a complaint. Policies used to ch allenge; Complaints procedure Bulling and harassment Equality opportunities policy Employment handbook Grievance procedure Supervision and appraisal Allegations against staff Personal harassment policy 2.3 – In 2005 The Office For Disability Issues announced that their vision is by 2005 â€Å" Disabled people in Britain should have the same opportunities and choices as non-disabled people, to improve their quality of life and be respected and included as equal members of society† Their purpose â€Å"We are the guardians within government of the vision of equality for disabled people by 2025† Within our practice we have many policies and procedures to adhere to which all staff are responsible to read and understand. They should also understand that there are many forms of abuse and neglect which could result from discrimination. Emotional abuse within the care system can be very damaging to a young person, Working together to Safeguard Children is a document that care staff are provided with. It states that â€Å"Emotional abuse is the persistent emotional maltreatment of a child such as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the child’s emotional development.† Our safeguarding policy describes discrimination as â€Å" Behaviour that is directed at person because of disability, ethnic origin, race, skin colour, culture, sexual orientation, size, gender or age, which could result in the young person’s , Withdrawal Anger/aggression Loss of self esteem Imitative behaviour -The impact of inclusion on a child is that it empowers them and makes them feel that they belong. Many of the young people that we care for have had numerous placements in either foster care, residential homes and schools. This can leave them feeling uncared for unwanted and rejected. One of our clients when first placed with us would spend long periods of time alone in her bedroom playing on one of her 3 DS and was reluctant to send time with the group or engage in any activities. We carried out lots of 1-1 sessions with her and discovered that this was what was expected of her in her previous foster placement. During the 1-1 sessions we were able to identify her likes and dislikes which enabled us to be able to include her in some group activities with others who also shared the same interests. She now attends activities several evening a week and spends the remainder of her time interacting with her peers, and her DS’s are now rarely used. For their time with us to be beneficial to the young people we must follow inclusive practise, this is incorporated in the day to day running of the home, they are allowed full access to all areas of the home, excluding others bedrooms, the rules and boundaries applied are equal to all. If the young person’s behaviours cause them or threatens to cause others harm then they may be sanction to help with the containment off the behaviour, so that they can be included in all aspects of the home and activities. If I felt that a staff member was discriminating a young person or staff member I would address this immediately and this would be discussed during supervision and further training would be offered. We want our young people to feel confident, safe and respected within their home thus allowing them to succeed. The value of diversity means that we respect and value the differences of each other and listening to others opinions, providing that they are not detrimental to any ot her child or adults well being. The staff team are expected to interact with the children equally, while recognising that they are individuals, and have individual needs and support plans. All staff are provided with regular safeguarding training, this gives them information on discrimination, abuse, inclusion and diversity, which along with our policies and procedures promote better outcomes for our young people. In house information Bulling and harassment Equality opportunities policy Employment handbook Grievance procedure Supervision and appraisal Allegations against staff Personal harassment policy 2.4 Our children are supported to ensure they are not discriminated against, they receive weekly key work sessions, and can request a 1-1 with a care member of staff at any time. We have weekly young people’s meetings, where they can write down things that they would like addressed or ask a staff member to write it for them so that others don’t know who has raised an issue. Exclusion is not a practise that is used unless a child cannot access an area due to a behaviour that means they are not safe to self or others .My team are supported to challenge discrimination or exclusion ,this can be done in reflective space ,debrief, team meetings ,handovers. Supervision is a place where there is confidentiality so issues can also be discussed, there is zero tolerance for my team, and we treat each other with respect and dignity, whilst remembering we are all individuals that bring different aspects of experience to the team. There is a clear complaints procedure and staff all have copies of staff handbook and procedure in their individual folders .Young people have the use of worry forms and complaints forms individually and in a folder in communal areas ,these are supported at key work sessions . 3. Understand how to develop systems and processes that promote diversity, equality and inclusion. 3.1 The Equality act is a legislation that is in place to ensure that people are given equal rights and opportunities regardless of their age, gender disability, race, religion or belief and sexual orientation. This legislation promotes diversity, equality and inclusion by making it a requirement that they are commonly practised and incorporated into the social care setting thus making it illegal to  discriminate against a person for any reason . The main acts within the Equality Act 2010 are; The care Quality commission The disability Discrimination Act 2005 Human Rights Act 1998 Equal pay Act 1970 The Sex Discrimination Act 1999 The Race Relations Act 2003 To promote good practise it is essential to follow these Acts if not followed then consequence can be diverse, this could affect the individual a young person or the entire team. This could leave a young person feeling discriminated against, which can lead to negative feelings of isolation, and feeling unheard, leading to problems for them and those around them. They can become unhappy causing them to act out negative behaviours putting the team and young people at risk. We have complaints procedure for staff and children, whoever I feel we do not promote this enough and would benefit from being revised, although the procedure is clear I feel that it does not promote its self to enable change. Our staff team is multi cultural so is able to promote the cultural needs for our clients, this has proved beneficial to the needs of our young people. The staff have taught some of them how the care for afro Caribbean hair and to understand their religious and cultural needs. We ensure our young people are involved in menu planning and we hold a cultural night which enables them to prepare a ethnic meal and share their culture with others. We ensure we have Champions for all young people this ensures our practise continues to be Equal for all and remains open and honest. We hold regular meetings throughout the service, it means we all have a voice and the legislation ensures our voices are heard and respected. Without the use of individual care plans and individual support plans, (Where the young person’s input is included) which are tailored around the individual needs of the young person that also take into account their ability, culture, disabilities and their personal int erests, the young person would be discriminated against. All children have a right to grow up safe from harm and discrimination. Lord  Laming highlighted the importance of frontline professional’s getting to know children as individual people and as a matter of routine, while considering how their situation feels to them. All young people in our setting have weekly keywork sessions and can request 1-1 support from staff at any time, they all have access to worry forms or complaints forms and each have an independent advocate, and all participate in regular activities suitable to their ability. As a staff team we have monthly individual supervision and weekly team meetings where any form of discrimination would be addressed. 3.2 We have previously had issues with our rotas due to staff shortage. This meant that staff were required to work long shifts and also weekends, which makes it hard to achieve a good work life balance. When staff are tired and unhappy it can have a knock on effect on the young people. With an increase of staffing levels it has allowed us to re-look at the shift patterns allowing the rota to change ensuring a good work life balance. This has included many meetings with managers and the principle, in reflection of the rota system and process, we have been able to produce a fair rota ensuring all staff have equal weekends off and this has contributed to the well-being off the team, thus ensuring that staff are not too tired to give the level of care required for our young people. It is important as a manager that I ensure my team are given the opportunity to make informed decisions. The process we have in place has worked well, we work openly and honestly, so the team meeting discussion was taken to the senior management meeting this then resulted in the team sitting down with senior managers and working out a rota together. Staff our now given a rota for six months instead of two weekly, enabling them to make plans within their personal life. 3.3 To improve our service and to meet the needs of our young people, I need to increase our partnership with the cultural community. We have recently had a child placed with us who is a Jamaican, our knowledge in this area is limited, to support us as a team and ensure equality, inclusion, and diversity I have to ensure we Employed staff with Jamaican background Taken advice from a cultural advisor Brought literature to support young person and staff The team have been part of the planning with the young person and social worker and have a set target to re-introduce the young person to her religious beliefs and culture I continually strive to improve our service to our young people, I constantly review and evaluate, this requires a whole team approach ,senior staff within the team are given additional needs to support this ethos. For example life skills, these are planned with the young person and are individual to the abilities of the young person. . 4. be able to manage the risks presented when balancing individual rights and professional duty of care 4.1 working with young people who are encouraged to have a voice, it is sometimes hard for them to understand that parental responsibility does not lie with the care team but other authorities; Section 31 young people it is their placing authority Section 20 young people it is still their parents. This can cause confusion and young people need to know they have a voice and are heard, we do this through network meetings, key work sessions, house meetings, meetings with social workers and contact with parents. Duty of care and ensuring safe practise means all information is shared with the safe guarding team, it is then decided how this information is shared to keep young person and team safe . An ethical dilemma is when a section 20 young person is reaching adult services and the parents push on their mental health labels wanting a more secure placement and excluding them from any part of the decision making. This is hard as parents feel they are acting in best interest but they are often frightened of the young person making the wrong choice. The ethical dilemma means we have to balance the needs of the family versus social care versus the young person. Our key responsibility has to ensure that the individual is in control of their own lives and is at the centre of any decision making, we have to support our young person and if we need to challenge the families views. The documentation and planning of life skills with the young person will allow us to promote the equality and inclusion of the young person. The young person must be given the information in a format that they understand, such as social stories or pictorial schedules. In cases like this we must understand the; â€Å"The mental capacity act 2005 (mea 2005) and Best interest assessment â€Å". The five principles of assessment are; 1. Presume capacity unless established otherwise. 2. Take practical steps to enable decision making 3. Accept that people can make unwise descions 4. Act in persons best interest 5. 5. Use the action least restrictive of the person’s rights and freedom of choice. 4.2 The principle of informed choice the individual is supported to make a decision, they accept a shared responsibility for the choices they make, along with the outcome .Evaluation of the decision have we provided the right tools for this to be communicated. The young person’s values and points are respected; the team promotes an environment that empowers them to make their decision. It is vital that all parties are involved this may require a network meeting, any decisions should be unbiased and taken clearly on facts, and the understanding of these facts will have implications and future consequence of an action. This element of informed choice is risk taking and can often alter the path for young people are we able to take the risk it makes professionals nervous ,as we are asking individuals to balance risk and their own responsibilities against legalities choice and rights of the care system. Within therapeutic working practise trust is essential, so the choices given mu st be able to be achieved and implemented by the young person. They must be given time to reflect on their choices, risks, and potential outcomes. Once they have all the information the choice must be their choice and not influenced by us, however ensuring that they have given all of the relevant information. Within the principles of Equality ,Dignity ,Diversity ,each young person should have the opportunity to make decisions for themselves, even if they make wrong choices as long as they can proceed with full knowledge of risks, while ensuring that the choices given are safe. This I feel is better for the young person, to be able to make their own choices rather that to be told what is best for them. 4.3 Individual capacity affects informed choice ,because of a young person’s mental health, physical health, chronic health,  young people who have been in the care system are supported from a very young age to understand they have a voice ,this is promoted in their reviews . Within the â€Å"Mental capacity Act (2005) A code of practise states; â€Å"Making an unwise decision does not mean that person lacks capacity â€Å". This area can seem very grey, children living in care homes can become institutionalised so decision making is hard, it’s our duty of care to give them as many skills as possible to be part of their care planning, to be able to make the right choices. Young people with mental health labels are far too often deemed unable to be part of any planning or decision making. When they make wrong choice is this capacity or just making wrong choice? â€Å"an individual may not be able to make a judgement about complex treatment decisions, may still be able to express a preference about what they want to eat â€Å".Beauchamp and Childeress (2001) For Children and young people diagnosed with Mental Health issues, as they reach adulthood it can become very complex. The impact of others on the decision making and choices, we often see that parents can become over protective, this can be out of fear of losing control of their child. The young person through mental ability, anxiety, intellectual capacity, may never have been part of making their own choices and now through legislation is being overloaded with choice. To ensure we meet the needs of the young person as an individual, we should work on the facts actual diagnosis, care plans, risk assessments, actual abilities that are documented, for example; can work out their budget for toiletries. This skill can lead to being able to do food shopping, menu planning ect. The statement above is a very clear point, young people with ASD for example can plan their day in an environment they feel safe and secure in, once outside anxiety can take over and crossing the road can be a danger. The young person still needs the choices we just need to ensure the choices are given within their own capabilities. 4.4 To manage risks we have in place live documents that continuously dynamically risk assesses, this allows for mutual accountability. It allows for risk taking by looking at each risk. I have a young person who continually puts herself at risk absconding and asking strangers for cigarettes, this puts her at risk of abduction, grooming and rape, within the network we came to the conclusion we should provide 4 cigarettes a day.  Although the risk to health increased with the 4 cigarettes a day, it decreased in the other areas, but has also dramatically reduced her smoking habit. The young person is always at the centre of any risk assessment and their thoughts and choices are always considered, a high risk for our young people is that they may possibility not be socially accepted, this then increases the risk of them making the wrong choices, within our risk assessing we encourage young people to make the right choice . Through our network meeting risks and planning are always disc ussed this includes the whole network to work collaboratively to manage risk assessments and to ensure a culture that is accountable and does not lay blame. References care quality commission . (2012, june 29). Retrieved may 3, 2013, from legistation . (2013, march 10). Retrieved from Caplin, P., Landridge, E., Morgan, B., Platts, R., Rowe, J., & Scragg, T. (2012). Diploma in leadership for health and social care . Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes . Equality and Human Rights commision . (n.d.). Retrieved may 3, 2013, from J McKibbin, A. W. (2008). Leadership and Management. Derby: Heinemann. Acts Equality Act (2010) Mental health Act ( 1983) Mental Health Act and Mental Capacity Act (2005) Disability discrimination Act (1995)

Friday, August 30, 2019

Peace in Multicultural Society

A particular community of people living in a country or region, and having shared customs, laws, and organisations is called a society. In a society, people depend on each other for life. No society can exist without interdependence and this interdependence on each other has turned the world into a global village. Clashes start when there is differences in customs, laws and organisationswithin the same region or a country. Sometimes these differences become so severe that they become the cause of war and terror.Lack of tolerance, accommodation and patience lead a region and country toward devastation. Today there is great angst around the world and all peace-loving organisations, institutions, countries and human beings are unhappy because of increasing hatred and conflicts. Beside these, poverty, unemployment, insecurity and disasters both natural as well man made are the contributing factors to these problems. These all are because of cultural conflicts between human beings. Cultur e, supposed to flourish human life and provide entertainment, has become the cause of hatred by few extremists in society.We can never eliminate hatred, war and conflicts from our society. Human beings were created with war and conflicts as part of their nature but we can reduce these activities through sincere efforts and work on improving our society. For peace, the primary step is tolerance and accommodation and secondary is the exercise of great patience. This way one can ignore those who abuse your culture, religion or customs. All countries are contributing equally to the spread of hate and hatred. No religion on the surface of this Earth preaches hate.However, elements from all faiths are using grossly misinterpreted religious misinformation to spread extremism and terrorism. East is creating terrorists but the West is publishing offensive cartoons of Prophets. If someone in the East is disturbing the peace in this world, one should only punish the guilty not the whole societ y, region or country. The devilish elements should be blamed and punished for their wrong doings not the whole society or a particular culture or religion. Terrorism and torture of human beings are not allowed by any school of thought.Only a few elements in each society spread hate. Behind hate there are many reasons and here some are highlighted. Exercise of unwanted power of powerful countries against weak countries, clash between capitalism and labour, illegal confinement over other resources, supremacy of few nations and ineffectiveness of world organizations like UNO and others. Even well developed and civilized societies are involved in the disturbance of world peace. As a result, man on the one hand is proceeding toward globalization and on the other, he is creating distances between one another.Culture clash is the most dangerous and explosive reason for the destruction of World peace. For long time, we have claimed illiteracy behind the reason for war, terror and all evils in this world but today we have come to know and realise that in fact there is a serious lack of morality not lack of education behind the world's uncertainty. We torture human beings and in turn destroy their inner respect. The repercussions are retaliations, which are far more intense and inhumane.In third world countries like Pakistan there is feudal system operating in certain parts of the country and this system is inherited from the previous generations that cannot be eliminated easily because only these feudal lords can change the system but they would never want their supremacy to be demolished. Revolutions do not occur daily, they only come rarely, and without revolution, change in some societies is never possible. A common person in Third World countries cannot enter politics and only politicians can change the policies.The West needs work force and they want import of men as labour but they are not ready to share capitalism with labour. Trade of goods is liked by every co untry but countries are not ready for the exchange of art and technologies. If terrorist elements existed in Afghanistan what were the sin of all those innocent men, women and children who had been killed in war on terror? No rule and law of humanity allow us to ruin a nation and country because of one devil. There is great lack of justice, tolerance and accommodation around the world.As a result, the life of modest, peace loving and normal common person is disturbed. Peace is needed this time. Each country in this world is facing terrorism and world's approach toward terrorism is not advocated. If any incident takes place in India, it blames Pakistan for this and vice versa. West automatically blames Muslim countries for any terrorism that happens there. These baseless blames on each other not only increase rivalry between nations but also the real culprits take advantage of this situation and escape.Revival on policies over war on terror has become necessary. North and South, West and East are all suffering from these harsh elements and they should all untidily set a new policy to fight against terrorism. The killing of innocent people around the world has become a passion. It requires a very clear division of â€Å"What is private and what is public†. Religion is a private act of man and one must not interfere in any private matters. While public affairs, need to be handled at government level.If someone is bad in our surrounding, we must deal with those devils with an iron fist but within the circle of law. We must stop anyone in a society through dialogue from preaching hatred against any political party or school of thought and make them realise that they are doing wrong and disturbing the peace. This is not an easy job for any individual. Through local, national and international organisations, we can make this possible. In every society, there should be some organizations for the preaching of peace and love.Like in the tribal areas of Pakistan w here young children are brain-washed into becoming terrorist and suicide bombers so why can the government and national and international NGOs not make them civilized human being? What are they all doing and what are they spending those millions and billions of dollars on? As much as this world is spending on war on terror, if some of that money is spent on the preaching of peace we may be able to change the world in the coming years to some extent. Justice is the firmest pillar of a government.We must define public and private affairs and make sure that no one is allowed to interfere in the private activities of others. Among private activities, religion and traditions are of foremost importance at local, national as well as international level. The concept of minority and division of human beings on the bases of races, colours and tribes are unjust within people and society. In private activities we are always interdependent and this interdependence has made us rational and social animals. We cannot live without interacting with each other as well with our external environment.Interrelationship between people always depends on mutual benefits. Even though it should be a give and take relationship, we do tend to give less and take more. We become more sensitive when our rights are under siege but far less sensitive when someone else's rights are under attack. Honesty is the best policy for the stability of human interrelationship but we do not practise this policy often enough. We should be able to enjoy our freedom to the fullest within the limits of the laws of the land. These limits should be set and watched purely by governmental departments, institutions and agencies.If some things are disallowed in one region and allowed in another, both regions should respect each other's feelings and not impose their own rules upon others. The determination and limitation of freedom must be based upon law, culture, religion of any country or region keeping in view the rights of people of other religions living in minority. The United Nations should set limitations through comprehensive dialogue of all member nations keeping in view the demands, needs and interests of each nation. No country should be allowed to interfere in other country's private affairs.The West claims that they are the protector of human rights but recently they have taken the most actions against humanity by interfering in other countries' affairs and have labelled the loss of civilian lives as collateral damage. The freedom of everyone should be restricted within walls and these walls might be religion, culture, tradition and others. Within Eastern countries, there is another great drawback at grass root level. In most Eastern countries, hate is spread among children through textbooks.In their textbooks, there is great admiration for the personalities who had defeated rival countries, religions, invaders or plunderers and great hate for those who had fought with their ances tors centuries ago. As a result, children hate rival nations and this hatred gets stronger when they grow up and spoils the society. Our textbooks must carry lessons of enlightenment, moderation, respect and importance of others, honour of national and international laws, identification of wrongs and rights, good and evils, sense of responsibilities and interdependence of nations and collaboration with their own country.There is a constant competition among the countries for science and technology, industrial and energy enrichment. This is a good and positive phenomenon if the competition is positive. Above all, these said problems and causes are common at all national and international level and suggestions need to be implemented at both levels if we are seeking peace and love within our society as a whole around the world.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Conflict with man and women Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Conflict with man and women - Essay Example How, then, is it possible for men and women to communicate successfully and reach mutual understanding? One key element for the success is the recognition of the differences in the thought process, and to acceptance of those without trying to change the other person or trying to â€Å"shape† them according to what we are comfortable with. Men choose not to talk about unimportant and trivial things. Men need action. They want to go ahead and fix the given situation. If the knee is scraped, just put a bandage on it, and there! - It does not hurt any more. There is nothing more to talk about. It is not the same for women. They not necessary need the bandage, but they do need to have someone who would embrace them and will say it will be alright. Conversation is not only a way to find solution; it is an important process of assessment. Sometime, conversation is a way of relaxing and releasing stress after a full working day. Other times it is a need to stay â€Å"connected† . Both articles give very interesting perspectives on communication differences. The one will be wise to remember those and use it in building connections. As it is shown by the example in the second article, that exact knowledge and understanding helped the couple to improve their marriage of twenty-three years.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Building a Personal Learning Network Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Building a Personal Learning Network - Essay Example Accessing the social networks through the e-mail, twitter feeds blogs and linked-in is one of the best ways for a learner to share his interests with others (Grantham, 2012). To foster new connections in these social sites there are many ways that learners can consider. Question1: Text you might include in a professional profile, which you could use on a social media site (like Twitter, or LinkedIn) to identify yourself and your interests for those who might be interested in following you or joining your PLN The text a person may use in a professional profile on social sites may be informative, controversial or inappropriate. The best texts to use would be to include text which is informative on a learner’s professional profile. For example, posting texts containing personal updates, religious or political views and cat pictures among other forms of updates that are not related to learning is strongly discouraged. To establish stronger relationships with other people included in the PLN, it would be wise to use words that are inspirational or informative. Texts such as â€Å"learner’s guide to successful studying† or â€Å"ways of succeeding in school† are some of the examples that one can use in their professional profiles. Another way to create new connections would be to give texts that explain what twitter is or Linked-in to the people the learner interacts with in their professional pages. Explaining the benefits of using the social sites would attract more people to create a learning network. For example, using texts such as â€Å"social profiles like Linked-in not only connect learners to other professionals, but it is also a useful tool in business† is useful. Question 3: For each person or group, give a brief (1-2 paragraphs) rationale for why you would include the person or group in your PLN. Then, give a 1- to 2-paragraph description of the process by which

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Liquidity Ratios for GM and Ford Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Liquidity Ratios for GM and Ford - Essay Example From this paper it is clear that  the higher the ratio the better it is for the company in theory but this does not hold truth in the real world situation. Despite the current ratio being used extensively in financial reporting, the ratio can be very misleading. In the real world situation, a high ratio does not necessary imply good liquidity position and a low current ratio does not necessary imply a bad liquidity position. This norm is contrary to the common belief of the current ratio as an adequate indicator of an entity’s liquidity. The ratio conceptualizes liquidation as the ability of a company’s current assets to offset its current liabilities. In the real sense, this does not occur as the investors’ measure a company, s liquidity as the going concern of the entity.  This essay stresses that  the first company has longer accounts receivables days and a low inventory turnover. The second company has a short accounts receivables period and a higher in ventory turnover. The first company has a higher current ratio than the second company does but this does not imply that the company has a better liquidity position. This is because working capital but the cash do not pay the current obligations and since it does not converts its current easily into cash; the company is illiquid. The general concept and basis of the quick ratio is similar to that of the current ratio as it gives the users of the ratio an idia to determine the company's ability to offset its short-term obligations using its short-term assests.  Ã‚  

Monday, August 26, 2019

E-Recruitment Overview Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

E-Recruitment Overview - Assignment Example It is seen that the Microsoft website is user friendly and has easy navigation. The website portrays the image that the company prefers to work with the jobseekers and only with the capabilities of their employees they have reached this position. Therefore they welcome competent people in their company. Though the Adidas website has a simple front page, yet it is very interactive. For those people who have fast connections, they can see a documentary in which a lady tells about all their expertise, lines of products, and consumer behaviours. For slower connections, there are certain pages that update the applicant about these facilities. Since it does not have an easy navigation, so the site cannot be considered user friendly. It has a moderate impact on the consumers; though people can have maximum knowledge from the website, yet it does not provide enough room to interact with the company. The KPMG website tells more about itself and its working, and hence gives a very rigid impact . It does not facilitate the candidates by showing the latest job openings on the front page and there is no link from where we can provide them with the feedback. This makes the site least friendly from the first page. Rolls Royce’s website has been the site that has given users the maximum chance of knowing the company in a glance. On the front page they have given the product lines, job hunt segregation and place to contact them. They have also used other small tabs through which the applicant can interact with the company. These elements make the navigation on the website much easy. It also shows that the company likes to facilitate the employees as much as possible. How the website/s attempt to set expectations related to... The assignment "E-Recruitment Overview" talks about the usage of the Internet in the placement of personnel and how new technologies change this sector. Due to efficient, fast and cost-effective nature of advertising, e-recruitment has taken an important role. Internationally the recruitment landscape has significantly changed in the recent past. Increasing skill shortages and low levels of unemployment in many domains have increased the competition in hiring the best person. Due to increased competition in the recruitment market, the organizations are tending to spend more efforts, time and resources in increasing the range of online and traditional advertising methods. The basic use of the internet and internet technology is transforming, and to some extent revolutionizing the ways in which human resource departments recruit job candidates. In the recent years, due to the internet, the recruitment process has undergone a dramatic transformation. In the current global economic recession, electronic recruitment helps to change the general perspective of the recruitment by offering highly needed cost-effective means of hiring. For the wide range of organizations throughout the world, e-recruitment has now become a significant part of the recruitment strategy. Not only this, it has progressively become a popular method for the job seekers in searching and applying for the jobs. This tool is more effective for the larger companies as the large firms are more known to the job seekers, thus the number of applicants is higher here.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 87

Summary - Essay Example Some require a little time in the evening, especially on the direct hire side. I usually work anywhere from 8am to 9pm, sometimes even 10 pm. Most of my time is spent with sourcing candidates, either on LinkedIn or social networking. The rest of my time is spent working with the marketing side of things so that we can better attract candidates. It is not really that difficult because if a candidate is qualified then we obviously move forward with them. However, if there are some red flags then we will check them out to make sure that they are going to be a good candidate. On the marketing side, it can be easy if it is a company that is willing to build a relationship with us. There may be positions and opportunities that we want to work with them on so then we move forward with them on that. The difficulties often come from a business standpoint, but very rarely from the recruiting or marketing side. It depends on each company that we work with. It also depends on what their criteria is and the type of skill sets that they are looking for in their environment. As you can understand this varies from position to position. There is not only one set list of criteria that is used to determine whether to make a hire or not, it relies on a whole lot of different factors. My biggest challenge is that I have lots to do but very little time to complete it. There are not enough hours in the day. Another challenge is that I may have too many positions to work on. Finally, being able to find the right skill set to fill tech roles can prove to be a big obstacle. Internally it is a group decision because there needs to be a consensus among the group. On the client side, they ultimately make the decision, so we try to help work them through the process and guide them through who we feel are the best candidates. Ultimately the company is going to make a decision based on the candidates we present, so it is really important that we present the right ones to

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Philiosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Philiosophy - Essay Example It was a burning issue at that time and did not end until 1998. The environmental damage done became a source of great disturbance in the area and remained unsolved until 1998. Generally, Hooker Chemicals and Plastics Company who brought this parcel of land for dumping chemical wastes are the ones, blamed for this whole contamination and the harmful effects it imposed on the people living in the areas nearby and it is not wrong at all to put blame on them. (Michael Harold Brown, 1980) Did Hooker know the damage it has caused to the canal area over the years? Had the company done it intentionally or unintentionally? How much responsible is the government itself and public who got affected in this scenario? The company did know about the hazardous facts and also was aware of what it had done before closing the landfill in early 1950s. Otherwise, it did not have protested against its excavation. Further noticed, it removed itself from any kind of liability at the time of selling the lan d to the local government. This makes it evident without a doubt that the company knew what damage it has posed to the whole area. Both these reasons conform to the deduction that Hooker knew what he had done to Love canal. (Hooker Chemicals & Plastics Corp. Public Affairs Dept.; 1980) Before closing the landfill in 1950s, the company took no necessary precaution but kept dumping its dangerous chemical wastes in the landfill, for who was going to raise a question on them. It was not after closing the landfill that Hooker started taking some precautionary actions. This time Hooker really worked and rather diligently to contain the wastes. It lined the canal with impenetrable concrete, and placed a waterproof ceramic cap over the chemicals to prevent rainwater from entering. There precautions far exceeded common practice at the time. Emphasis being on far exceeded. Why was the company so conscious about taking precautions at that time when it had not even bothered to take one before? Answer is again the same. Hooker knew the damage the contamination has done and for the same reason it had protested against the excavation of Love canal. The precautions were merely to hide the gruesome effects of its activities from the masses and government. Had there been no removal of the ceramic caps and concrete walls, no one would have known the damage company had done. (Hooker Chemicals & Plastics Corp. Public Relations Dept.; 1980; Seebauer & Barry 2000) In addition, the company did not disclose the details about the content of the landfill. There are great many facts that reach to the same conclusion: Hooker was the only one who was responsible for the environmental damage in Love canal and the nearby areas. It might be so that just to escape the heavy fine and charges for the violation of laws, the company did all the necessary dramatic performance to hide what they had done to the environment. The fact that public did not complaint about the health damage due to the dis astrous chemical wasting in the Love canal except some very few owes to another fact. Hooker was the major employer in the area and had some great influence. This was enough to stop them from speaking against the company. Their own jobs would have been in danger if they even thought about bringing the matter up to the Government’s consideration. Hooker Chemicals was in no way a socially responsible company, also witnessed by numerous citizens.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Two of Americas Most Wanted and Renowned Serial Killers, Gary Ridgway Essay

Two of Americas Most Wanted and Renowned Serial Killers, Gary Ridgway and Dennis Rader - Essay Example This paper deals with the lives of two of America’s most wanted and renowned serial killers, Gary Ridgway and Dennis Rader. Both of them have caused a great number of grievances and havoc among the people by killing several individuals and were hunted down by the police with an aim to stop murder from taking place. This paper observes a compare and contrast of the lives of these two serial killers, their motives and the way that they went about murdering people. Gary Leon Ridgway and Dennis Rader were both born in the countryside; Ridgeway in Utah and Rader in Kansas, and only have a four-year gap between each other. They both have gruesome nicknames which have made them quite unpopular among the people – Gary is called ‘Green River Gary’, the ‘Green River Killer’ or ‘The Riverman’ whereas Dennis has adorned the nickname of ‘BTK’ or the ‘Bind, Torture, Kill Strangler.’ Both of them have the commonality of strangling their victims and killing them, then dumping their bodies away in order to dispose of them. Both have been subject to life imprisonment without parole and are hated among people for having killed so many people without any reason at all. The police are still trying to understand their reasoning behind the killings. Delving into the personal lives of serial killers always helps a person understand the atrocities of their past and what made them become the way they are in the present. Ridgway had a very troubled childhood because he often witnessed his parents fighting violently with each other. He was dragged into the fight and abused by his mother for whom he began to develop both anger and sexual feelings. (Prothero, Mark; Carlton Smith ) Rader, on the other hand, had a very normal childhood and graduated from high school and then college. As a child, he loved torturing animals and hated them with all his might. He also had a sexual fetish for women’s undergarment s; this was seen in his killings as he often killed women, stole their undergarments and went about wearing them on his own.

What is an Outcome Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

What is an Outcome - Assignment Example What is theoretical probability? It is the probability that assumes that all outcomes in a sample space are equally likely to occur What is relative frequency method or empirical probability? Empirical probability relies on actual experience to determine the outcome of outcomes What is subjective probability? Subjective probability uses probability value based on an educated guess employing opinions and inexact information. What is a probability distribution? It consists of the values a random variable can assume and the corresponding probabilities of the values which are determined through experiment or through observation. What are the odds of an event? Odds of an event are applied in gambling games to make them fair. What is the multiplication principal for finding number of outcomes? P(A ∠©B)=P(B\A)Ãâ€"P(A) Chapter 7 section B What are independent events? Events can be independent if occurence of one of the events does not affect the probability of another occurring. How do we find the probability of two or more independent events happening at same time? Multiplication of the individual probabilities for each of the events What is the probability of rolling a single die three times and getting a six on all three rolls?

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Restaurant and Bar Essay Example for Free

Restaurant and Bar Essay Work Plan Statement of Problem We are pitching an idea for an all you can eat all-inclusive Asian style cuisine. The restaurant will be located in Bellevue, Washington near Bellevue Square and within walking distance of the Microsoft and Expedia towers. The restaurant will offer a variety of Asian cuisines such as sushi, dim sum, teriyaki, and other popular foods sought by young adults and small families. We are asking for $750,000 from venture capitalists to finance our project. Schedule/Division of the work -May| Bao Tu| Find detailed information for project and needs in Bellevue| 2-May| Peter Calimlim| Composition: List benefits and features of products and services related to business| 4-May| Timofey Khval| Research costs, other financial information completed| | Linh Ninh| Organization: Pick the important and related things to investors needs| | My Tran| Research, develop market strategy| 10-May| Bao Tu| Set the target market and find their tastes. Find competitors and research them| | Linh Ninh| Develop ideas for opening| Peter Calimlim| Execution/Evaluation: Revise presentation for 3-4 minute speech. Practice Individually| 16-May| Group| Group meeting to share research and other ideas| 18-May| My Tran| Develop ideas for closing| | Timofey Khval| Compile information into tables, financial statements, graphs| 23-May| Bao Tu| Finish research and preparation for presentation| 25-May| Timofey Khval| Analysis of information completed| | My Tran| Completion of rough draft for opening and offering| | Linh Ninh| Compete rough draft of marketing strategy, closing ideas| 27-May| Group| Finish research and individual portions. Meeting to develop presentation| 1-Jun| Group| Meeting to rehearse presentation, make final revisions| 4-Jun| Group| Meetings to continue rehearsal, work on visual aids (if necessary)| 6-Jun| Group| Presentation date| 1-May| Bao Tu| Find detailed information for project and needs in Bellevue| 2-May| Peter Calimlim| Composition: List benefits and features of products and services related to business| 4-May| Timofey Khval| Research costs, other financial information completed| | Linh Ninh| Organization: Pick the important and related things to investors needs| | My Tran| Research, develop market strategy| 0-May| Bao Tu| Set the target market and find their tastes. Find competitors and research them| | Linh Ninh| Develop ideas for opening| | Peter Calimlim| Execution/Evaluation: Revise presentation for 3-4 minute speech. Practice Individually| 16-May| Group| Group meeting to share research and other ideas| 18-May| My Tran| Develop ideas for closing| Timofey Khval| Compile information in to tables, financial statements, graphs| 23-May| Bao Tu| Finish research and preparation for presentation| 25-May| Timofey Khval| Analysis of information completed| | My Tran| Completion of rough draft for opening and offering| | Linh Ninh| Compete rough draft of marketing strategy, closing ideas| 27-May| Group| Finish research and individual portions. Meeting to develop presentation| 1-Jun| Group| Meeting to rehearse presentation, make final revisions| 4-Jun| Group| Meetings to continue rehearsal, work on visual aids (if necessary)| 6-Jun| Group| Presentation date|

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Leadership Theories From Mahatma Gandhi To Winston Management Essay

Leadership Theories From Mahatma Gandhi To Winston Management Essay From Mahatma Gandhi to Winston Churchill to Martin Luther King, there are as many leadership styles as there are leaders. Fortunately, businesspeople and psychologists have developed useful and simple ways to describe the main styles of leadership, and these can help aspiring leaders understand which styles they should use. So, whether you manage a team at work, captain a sports team, or lead a major corporation, which approach is best? Consciously, or subconsciously, youll probably use some of the leadership styles in this article at some point. Understanding these styles and their impact can help you develop your own, personal leadership style and help you become a more effective leader. With this in mind, there are many different frameworks that have shaped our current understanding of leadership, and many of these have their place, just as long as theyre used appropriately. This article looks at some of the most common frameworks, and then looks at popular styles of leadership. Leadership Theories Researchers have developed a number of leadership theories over the years. These fall into four main groups: 1. Behavioral theories What does a good leader do? Behavioral theories focus on how leaders behave. Do they dictate what needs to be done and expect cooperation? Or do they involve the team in decisions to encourage acceptance and support? In the 1930s, Kurt Lewin developed a leadership framework based on a leaders decision-making behavior. Lewin argued that there are three types of leaders: Autocratic leaders make decisions without consulting their teams. This is considered appropriate when decisions genuinely need to be taken quickly, when theres no need for input, and when team agreement isnt necessary for a successful outcome. Democratic leaders allow the team to provide input before making a decision, although the degree of input can vary from leader to leader. This type of style is important when team agreement matters, but it can be quite difficult to manage when there are lots of different perspectives and ideas. Laissez-faire leaders dont interfere; they allow people within the team to make many of the decisions. This works well when the team is highly capable and motivated, and when it doesnt need close monitoring or supervision. However, this style can arise because the leader is lazy or distracted, and, here, this approach can fail. Similar to Lewins model, the Blake-Mouton Managerial Grid helps you decide how best to lead, depending on your concern for people versus your concern for production. The model describes five different leadership styles: impoverished, country club, team leader, produce or perish, or middle of the road. The descriptions of these will help you understand your own leadership habits and adapt them to meet your teams needs. Clearly, then, how leaders behave impacts on their effectiveness. Researchers have realized, though, that many of these leadership behaviors are appropriate at different times. So, the best leaders are those who can use many different behavioral styles and use the right style for each situation. 2. Contingency theories How does the situation influence good leadership? The realization that there isnt one correct type of leader led to theories that the best leadership style is contingent on, or depends on, the situation. These theories try to predict which leadership style is best in which circumstance. When a decision is needed fast, which style is preferred? When the leader needs the full support of the team, is there a better way to lead? Should a leader be more people oriented or task oriented? These are all examples of questions that contingency leadership theories try to address. A popular contingency-based framework is the Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Theory, which links leadership style with the maturity of individual members of the leaders team. 3. Trait theories What type of person makes a good leader? Trait theories argue that leaders share a number of common personality traits and characteristics, and that leadership emerges from these traits. Early trait theories promoted the idea that leadership is an innate, instinctive quality that you either have or dont have. Thankfully, weve moved on from this approach, and were learning more about what we can do as individuals to develop leadership qualities within ourselves and others. Whats more, traits are external behaviors that emerge from things going on within the leaders mind and its these internal beliefs and processes that are important for effective leadership. Trait theory does, however, help us identify some qualities that are helpful when leading others and, together, these emerge as a generalized leadership style. Examples include empathy, assertiveness, good decision-making, and likability. In our article Building TomorrowHYPERLINK Leaders, we discuss a series of attributes that are important for all types of leaders to develop. However, none of these traits, nor any combination of them, will guarantee success as a leader. You need more than that. 4. Power and influence theories What is the source of the leaders power? Power and influence theories of leadership take an entirely different approach. Theyre based on the different ways in which leaders use power and influence to get things done, and the leadership styles that emerge as a result. Perhaps the most well known of these theories is French and RavenHYPERLINK Five Forms of Power. This model distinguishes between using your position to exert power, and using your personal attributes to be powerful. French and Raven identified three types of positional power legitimate, reward, and coercive and two sources of personal power expert and referent (your personal appeal and charm). The model suggests that using personal power is the better alternative and, because Expert Power (the power that comes with being a real expert in the job) is the most legitimate of these, that you should actively work on building this. Similarly, leading by example is another highly effective way to establish and sustain a positive influence with your team. Another valid leadership style thats supported by power and influence theories is Transactional Leadership. This approach assumes that work is done only because it is rewarded, and for no other reason, and it therefore focuses on designing tasks and reward structures. While it may not be the most appealing leadership strategy in terms of building relationships and developing a long-term motivating work environment, it does work, and its used in most organizations on a daily basis to get things done. An Up-to-Date Understanding of Leadership Within all of these theories, frameworks, and approaches to leadership, theres an underlying message that leaders need to have a variety of factors working in their favor. Effective leadership is not simply based on a set of attributes, behaviors, or influences. You must have a wide range of abilities and approaches that you can draw upon. Having said this, however, theres one leadership style that is appropriate in very many corporate situations that of Transformational Leadership. A leader using this style: Has integrity. Sets clear goals. Clearly communicates a vision. Sets a good example. Expects the best from the team. Encourages. Supports. Recognizes good work and people. Provides stimulating work. Helps people see beyond their self-interests and focus more on team interests and needs. Inspires. In short, transformational leaders are exceptionally motivating, and theyre trusted. When your team trusts you, and is really fired up by the way you lead, you can achieve great things! The transformational leadership style is the dominant leadership style taught in our How to Lead: Discover the Leader Within You program, although we do recommend that other styles are brought in as the situation demands. Having said that Transformational Leadership suits very many circumstances in business, we need to remember that there may be situations where its not the best style. This is why its worth knowing about the other styles shown below so that you have a greater chance of finding the right combination for the situation you find yourself in. Popular Leadership Styles A Glossary The leadership theories and styles discussed so far fit within formal theoretical frameworks. However, many more terms are used to describe leadership styles, even if these dont fit within a particular system. Its worth understanding these! 1. Autocratic leadership Autocratic leadership is an extreme form of transactional leadership, where leaders have absolute power over their workers or team. Staff and team members have little opportunity to make suggestions, even if these would be in the teams or the organizations best interest. Most people tend to resent being treated like this. Therefore, autocratic leadership often leads to high levels of absenteeism and staff turnover. However, for some routine and unskilled jobs, the style can remain effective because the advantages of control may outweigh the disadvantages. 2. Bureaucratic leadership Bureaucratic leaders work by the book. They follow rules rigorously, and ensure that their staff follows procedures precisely. This is a very appropriate style for work involving serious safety risks (such as working with machinery, with toxic substances, or at dangerous heights) or where large sums of money are involved (such as handling cash). 3. Charismatic leadership A charismatic leadership style can seem similar to transformational leadership, because these leaders inspire lots of enthusiasm in their teams and are very energetic in driving others forward. However, charismatic leaders can tend to believe more in themselves than in their teams, and this creates a risk that a project, or even an entire organization, might collapse if the leader leaves. In the eyes of the followers, success is directly connected to the presence of the charismatic leader. As such, charismatic leadership carries great responsibility, and it needs a long-term commitment from the leader. 4. Democratic leadership or participative leadership Although democratic leaders make the final decisions, they invite other members of the team to contribute to the decision-making process. This not only increases job satisfaction by involving team members, but it also helps to develop peoples skills. Team members feel in control of their own destiny, so theyre motivated to work hard by more than just a financial reward. Because participation takes time, this approach can take longer, but often the end result is better. The approach can be most suitable when working as a team is essential, and when quality is more important than speed to market, or productivity. 5. Laissez-faire leadership This French phrase means leave it be, and its used to describe leaders who leave their team members to work on their own. It can be effective if the leader monitors whats being achieved and communicates this back to the team regularly. Most often, laissez-faire leadership is effective when individual team members are very experienced and skilled self-starters. Unfortunately, this type of leadership can also occur when managers dont apply sufficient control. 6. People-oriented leadership or relations-oriented leadership This is the opposite of task-oriented leadership. With people-oriented leadership, leaders are totally focused on organizing, supporting, and developing the people in their teams. Its a participative style, and it tends to encourage good teamwork and creative collaboration. In practice, most leaders use both task-oriented and people-oriented styles of leadership. 7. Servant leadership This term, created by Robert Greenleaf in the 1970s, describes a leader who is often not formally recognized as such. When someone, at any level within an organization, leads simply by meeting the needs of the team, he or she is described as a servant leader. In many ways, servant leadership is a form of democratic leadership, because the whole team tends to be involved in decision making. Supporters of the servant leadership model suggest that its an important way to move ahead in a world where values are increasingly important, and where servant leaders achieve power on the basis of their values and ideals. Others believe that in competitive leadership situations, people who practice servant leadership can find themselves left behind by leaders using other leadership styles. 8. Task-Oriented leadership Highly task-oriented leaders focus only on getting the job done, and they can be quite autocratic. They actively define the work and the roles required, put structures in place, plan, organize, and monitor. However, because task-oriented leaders dont tend to think much about the well-being of their teams, this approach can suffer many of the flaws of autocratic leadership, with difficulties in motivating and retaining staff. 9. Transactional leadership This style of leadership starts with the idea that team members agree to obey their leader totally when they accept a job. The transaction is usually the organization paying the team members in return for their effort and compliance. The leader has a right to punish team members if their work doesnt meet the pre-determined standard. Team members can do little to improve their job satisfaction under transactional leadership. The leader could give team members some control of their income/reward by using incentives that encourage even higher standards or greater productivity. Alternatively, a transactional leader could practice management by exception rather than rewarding better work, the leader could take corrective action if the required standards are not met. Transactional leadership is really a type of management, not a true leadership style, because the focus is on short-term tasks. It has serious limitations for knowledge-based or creative work, however it can be effective in other situations. 10. Transformational leadership As we discussed earlier, people with this leadership style are true leaders who inspire their teams constantly with a shared vision of the future. While this leaders enthusiasm is often passed onto the team, he or she can need to be supported by detail people. Thats why, in many organizations, both transactional and transformational leadership are needed. The transactional leaders (or managers) ensure that routine work is done reliably, while the transformational leaders look after initiatives that add new value. Key Points While the transformational leadership approach is often highly effective, theres no one right way to lead or manage that fits all situations. To choose the most effective approach for yourself, consider the following: The skill levels and experience of your team. The work involved (routine, or new and creative). The organizational environment (stable or radically changing, conservative or adventurous). You own preferred or natural style. Good leaders often switch instinctively between styles, according to the people they lead and the work that needs to be done. Establish trust thats key to this process and remember to balance the needs of the organization against the needs of your team.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Rationale About Job Satisfaction

Rationale About Job Satisfaction Job satisfaction is an attitude people have about their jobs and it results from their perception of their jobs and the degree to which there is a good fit between the individual and organization. Job satisfaction has been influenced by many intervening variables, such as the rewards that an employee receives.  [1]  It has been said that job satisfaction has been related to many kinds of variables. It is a variable that is commonly influenced or commonly related to many variables that the other variable will be affected because of job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is the degree to which an individual feels positively or negatively about various aspects of the job.  [2]  The satisfaction of an individual in a job is either positive or negative; it depends upon the establishment that he/she is working with if they are offering more, enough, or less elements of satisfaction to their employees. Closely related to job satisfaction is the organizational commitment which is defined as the loyalty of an individual to the organization.  [3]  It has been overlooked that someone who sets his loyalty high to his organization would strongly take pride in considering himself a part of the organization. Employees of top corporations in the Philippines display the highest level of commitment and focus among workers surveyed across the Asia Pacific region, according to a study by global consultancy firm Watson Wyatt, the employees engagement score for the Philippines stood at 77%, up by four percentages from the previous survey in 2007.  [4]  It has been observed that the Philippine loyalty factor or the motivation of the employees towards the success of the company is very strong in which the rating has been said very high among other countries in Asia. Organizational commitment or Employee loyalty is very important in a company because employees who show loyalty will be able to encourage customers to feel loyal towards the company.  [5]   The University of the Philippines conducted a study on the loyalty of employees and the study shows that only 21% of Filipino employees feel fully committed to their employers and only 12% agree that their employers are fully committed to them.  [6]  Researchers have said that the level of commitment of the employees has something to do with the level of job satisfaction that the employees are experiencing. The researcher has chosen to study this issue because she personally experienced the 2 variables which are Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in one famous establishment in which her co-employees job satisfaction are low, and there is a high turnover ratio happening in this establishment. The researcher as a worker of the said company also has experienced low job satisfaction which leads her to low organizational commitment. The researcher is interested in this topic so that managers/employers would know and understand that high turnover ratio and the trainings as well as the seminars that they are given to the newly hired workers costs high and useless if the employee will only spend 1 month to work and leave the company. Aside from that, if they will continue to dissatisfy their employees, the word of mouth is a virus that easily spread from one person to another person. Especially if you are a 5 star hotel, you must ensure that every word of mouth that comes from each individual, may it be employees or guest are positive because if its negative, it may deteriorate their good name. Employees will not consider themselves as a member of the organization and the services given by the employees to the guests may not be good enough to increase or maintain customer loyalty. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The researcher attempts to answer the following question: Is there a significant relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment among hotel employees in Tacloban City? STATEMENT OF HYPOTHESES Alternative Hypothesis There is a significant relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY It is significant to study whether employees are satisfied or dissatisfied, committed or not committed in their job because it has been proven that employees who are much more satisfied will more likely to show positive thoughts, feelings, and actions towards their job and it would increase their organizational commitment. It is also important to study the relationship between Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment because this may bring a huge benefit equally to employers and employees. Human Resource Management would be able to understand that the costs of hiring and training new workers are high. Therefore, the employers should try to treasure unchanging workforce, which also helps to lessen the risks of deterioration in services offered to customers. An employee who is committed with the organization may take pride in considering himself a member and would positively persuade the consumers to patronize the products/services offered by a company. Since satisfaction increas es commitment to organizational success, and if this satisfaction would be given from employers to workers, a lot of good factors such as good supervision by supervisors, good working conditions, good interpersonal relations, better policies and administration, better pay and security, challenging work, achievement, recognition, growth and development can benefit employees. If this study shows that job satisfaction and organizational commitment are correlated, employers would only need to increase one variable and that is job satisfaction to achieve the affirmative organizational commitment of workers. CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY This chapter contains the discussion on the methods and procedures used in the study. It includes research design, locale of the study, respondents of the study, research instrument, data gathering and statistical measures used in hypothesis testing with their corresponding formulas and assessment scales. The purpose of the research work was primarily to assess with utmost objectivity. Any relevant data will be useful for the derivation of accurate insight. RESEARCH DESIGN This study is a descriptive research method using a questionnaire as the principal instrument in gathering data where there will be a real investigation on the job satisfaction and organizational commitment as evaluated by the employees. The answers will be tallied in order to measure/ quantify the 2 variables. LOCALE OF THE STUDY The study will be conducted within the City of Tacloban. The researcher would like to include Magsaysay and Paterno Street as the locale of the study. It was limited to the investigation on the job satisfaction and organizational commitment among hotel employees in Tacloban City. RESPONDENTS OF THE STUDY AND RANDOM SAMPLING The respondents of this study were the employees of different hotels who are presently working here in Tacloban City. Leyte Park Resort Hotel has a total population of more or less 70 but only 20 out of 70 are the respondents who participated the survey. Royal Suite Hotel has a total of 7 and Primrose Hotel has a total of 4 populations. So the researcher has decided to take 100% from the total population to be used for the sample. RESEARCH INSTRUMENT A set of survey questionnaire carefully prepared and will be distributed to the respondents for the purpose of gathering the necessary data. The questionnaire measures on the significant relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The researcher has found numerous questionnaires regarding job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Of all the questionnaires, the researcher has chosen to use the test for job satisfaction that is based on the research carried out by Cooper and the researcher has chosen to use the research study carried out by the student of Professor S. Cote and Professor P. Heslin for organizational commitment. In order to determine whether the questionnaires were correct and valid, the questionnaires were submitted to the instructor for verifications, corrections and improvements. The research instrument is composed of 2 sets, the Questionnaire 1 and Questionnaire 2 which both gather information to employees. It can be answered by putting an (x) mark in the appropriate parenthesis. Questionnaire 1 includes questions on the job satisfaction of hotel employees such as the job itself, inter-personal relationship, organization itself, personal growth and the quantity of work. Answers scoring is as follows: Excellent 5 points Very Good 4 points Satisfactory 3 points Below Ave. 2 points Poor 1 point Interpretation of data would be this way: the higher the score is, the better is the job satisfaction. Questionnaire 2 generally includes questions about the level of commitment of employees to their company as a whole. Answers scoring is as follows: Always 5 points Often 4 points Sometimes 3 points Seldom 2 points Never 1 point Interpretation of gathered data in questionnaire 2 would be this way: the higher the score is, the better is the organizational commitment will be. DATA GATHERING The researcher will gather her data by first, giving a letter of request asking permission to the hotel manager to include their company in her research. She has spoken to a variety of persons with different positions to allow her to conduct a survey in their establishment. These persons were Ms. Anafe C. Harina, front desk agent of Asia Stars Hotel, Ms. Jedah Vivas, accounting officer of Leyte Park Hotel, Mr. Julius, front desk agent of Hotel Alejandro, Ms. Jasmin V. Ron, front desk agent of Royal Suite Hotel, Ms. Rebecca Villanueva a front desk clerk in Primrose Hotel, and to Ms. Pearlie Corneso, a front desk agent of Manhattan Inn. Second, if ever approved, the researcher will distribute 2 sets of survey questionnaires which both are for their employees. These questionnaires tackle particularly on the job satisfaction and organizational commitment and it can be evaluated by simply taking the score of each number according to weights and add the total score over the total number of weights. Below half of the total score would mean low. Mr. Cooper and Professor S. Cote and Heslins student had contributed a big help to the researcher because she was able to borrow their questionnaires to conduct a survey and gather data. Out of 6 hotels that the researcher has talked with, only Ms. Jedah Vivas, accounting officer of Leyte Park Hotel, Ms. Rebecca Villanueva a front desk clerk and Ms. Jasmin V. Ron a front desk agent with the approval of his manager Mr. Roy Salinas are those who had confirmed and assisted her to gather the necessary data. STATISTICAL TREATMENT With the purpose of identifying the relationship between the job satisfaction and organizational commitment among hotel employees in Tacloban City, the responses will be tallied, classified and tabulated in appropriate table for analysis and a pie graph will be used for interpretation. To describe the profile of the respondents in terms of job satisfaction and organizational commitment, descriptive statistics particularly percentages will be employed. Null Alternative Hypothesis There is no significant relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The Pearson Product Correlation Coefficient (Pearson r) This was used to test the significant relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Formula: N (ÃŽÂ £XY) (ÃŽÂ £X) (ÃŽÂ £Y) r = _________________________________ ____________________________ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ [NÃŽÂ £X ² (ÃŽÂ £X)  ²] [NÃŽÂ £Y ² (ÃŽÂ £Y)  ²] Where: N = total number of respondents ÃŽÂ £XY = is the summation of product X and Y ÃŽÂ £X = is the summation of the independent variable ÃŽÂ £X ² = is the summation of the square of X ÃŽÂ £Y = is the summation of the dependent variable ÃŽÂ £Y ² = is the summation of the square of Y Verbal descriptions of computed coefficients of correlations are as follows: Value Percentage Interpretation r Degree of relationship 0.0 to  ± 0.20 0% 20% Negligible Correlation  ± 0.21 to  ± 0.40 21% 40% Low or Slight Correlation  ± 0.41 to  ± 0.70 41% 70% Moderate Correlation  ± 0.71 to  ± 0.90 71% 90% High Correlation  ± 0.91 to  ± 0.99 91% 99% Very High Correlation  ± 1.00 100% Perfect Correlation

Monday, August 19, 2019

Mondrian :: Essays Papers

Mondrian " 'Everything was spotless white, like a laboratory. In a light smock, with his clean-shaven face, taciturn, wearing his heavy glasses, Mondrian seemed more a scientist or priest than an artist. The only relief to all the white were large matboards, rectangles in yellow, red and blue, hung in asymmetric arrangements on all the walls. Peering at me through his glasses, he noticed my glance and said: "I've arranged these to make it more cheerful."' "Thus Charmion von Wiegand on Mondrian's New York studio. In his Paris studio he had used flowers to make it more cheerful. One tulip in a vase, an artificial one, its leaves painted white. "As Mondrian was probably incapable of irony, the tulip was unlikely to be a wry joke about his having had to produce flowerpieces between 1922 and 1925 when he no longer wanted to because there were no buyers for his abstracts. It could, of course, have been a revenge for the agony a compromise of that sort must have cost him. More likely, it was simply a part of the general revulsion against green and growth which made him, when seated at a table beside a window through which trees were visible to him, persuade someone to change places. "The artificial tulip fitted in, of course, with the legend of the studio as laboratory or cell, the artist as scientist or anchorite. Mondrian felt it mattered that an artist should present himself in a manner appropriate to his artistic aims. A photograph of him taken in 1908 shows a bearded floppy-haired Victorian man of sensibility. A photograph of 1911 shows a twentieth-century technologist, cleanshaven with centre parting and brilliantined hair; the spectacles were an inevitable accessory. Soft and hairy becomes hard and smooth; one of the great landscape-painters of his generation, one of the great flower-painters of his generation, comes to find trees monstrous, green fields intolerable. "The loneliness of the artificial tulip with its painted leaves might seem to suggest that flora were admitted grudgingly, one plant being the next best thing to none. But it probably meant the opposite of that - was probably a sign, not of Mondrian's having become a different person, but of his having remained the same. When Mondrian had painted flowers, he almost invariably painted one chrysanthemum, one amaryllis, one tiger lily. His most personal paintings of trees are paintings of one tree; of architecture,

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Aristotle Essay example -- essays research papers

y does Plato believe that only Philosophers are fit to rule? Rather than the practical pursuit we are accustomed to, for Plato, Politics is an intellectual faculty. Governance by non-philosophers is to be governed by opinions, beliefs and self-interest; in contrast the philosopher ruler will govern with virtue and justice with no hidden agenda. The philosopher is in love, in love with learning, knowledge and truth. It is important to make a distinction here between the acquisition of knowledge and the acquisition of truth, because knowledge is not necessarily the truth. With the help of an allegory, Plato explains the sensible world of illusion and belief, the place where most people reside. The philosopher has stepped outside this world, into a world of knowledge and truth. Plato makes use of a cave to explain this; I will use another means. A child believes in the myth of Santa Claus, a child has good reason to suppose this myth is true, it is inculcated when he receives Christmas presents, the media, family and friends consolidate the belief, the child even writes to Santa Claus and receives a reply. On Christmas Day this belief becomes a ‘reality’. Through education and maturity, the child will have doubts as to the truth of this illusion. At some stage during the transition from childhood to adulthood he will acknowledge the illusion, and further, during parenthood the myth really comes home to roost as knowledge and absolute truth. (He now has a choice; he can put an end to the myth or continue the cycle) What is distinctive regar ding each stage, is how far they have come out of the cave. Through illusion and belief to knowledge, or from artisan to auxiliary to philosopher. The fundamental prerequisite to becoming a philosopher ruler is to have knowledge of the forms, therefore knowing the truth. The forms do not exist in the sensible world, they can only be found in the super-sensible world. Platos‘ theory of the forms is partly logical and partly metaphysical. The logical part is, take for example a dog, there will be many types of dog, and general particulars regarding a dog. The form of a dog is universal and eternal it has no position in space or time, it is not born when a dog is born, nor does it die when a dog dies. The metaphysical part of the theory is the form of a dog is a perfect, unique dog, created by God. The dog is real, pa... ...ft of the preeminently "excellent" citizen to protect the state's constitution by making him the ruler of the state. Aristotle further justifies his position by stating that a citizen should not be made the ruler of a state because of his wealth or his ancestry. Unless by some chance wealth or ancestry affects the ability of a citizen to work towards the interests of the constitution. Of course the wealthy citizens and those citizens of glamorous ancestry should not be denied the chance to rule the state, for the ruler should be chosen for his "excellence" alone. Even in modern democracies like our own Aristotle's ideas hold true. When we vote in the election of the ruler of our country we, theoretically, are voting for the single most "excellent" citizen of our nation. That is we are voting for that citizen who can do the best job of working towards our common interests. The citizen of a state who has the greatest ability to work towards the salvation of the constitution has a gift that all citizens can benefit from. It only makes sense to beseech that citizen to lead the rest of the citizens in working towards the common interests of the state.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

If Winter Comes Spring Is Not Far Behind Essay

Birds get frozen, flowers get withered, from a pebble of earth to the star of sky all get silenced. It is the time when winter jumps in. Torments, tensions, tragedies, tortures come up when west wind of winter blows. Winter is the time of sweet sorrowfulness and dangerous difficulties. However, when spring comes it brings gala days; birds fly up, and flowers get bloomed. Oh! Spring, you are a hope in calamities of life. Winter is the symbol of destruction and bareness whereas spring is the symbol of hope and fruitfulness. Around 250 thousand years ago a winter in Rome went on, in which slaves were smashed and slaughtered. Cruelity and ignorance was at peaks. At that time, a man of might and words stood like an insurmountable mountain and fought against Roman Republic for slaves. That man was Spartacus. He had almost perished the Government, but he was chopped in Third Servile War. But when he was martyred he said these words. â€Å"I will come again, not alone, but with millions.† And, yes, he came again with spring in Rome and, which perished the winter of that time. The winter of crises, problems, destruction has charged our country Pakistan. It has brought many critical and havoc circumstances which have taken lives of thousands. But hopeful spring is far behind and clouds of happiness are forecast which will bring pleasures and prosperity in Pakistan. Moulana Jalal Din Rumi says, â€Å"Don’t grieve, whatever you lose comes in another form.† So, one should push the winter out, and make outlets for spring to come in. And, coming spring will be joyous and peaceful. If winter has come, yes, spring is far behind. Winter snatches green leaves of trees, smashes colours of butterflies, slaughter blooming flowers. But, when everything is lost there hope dwells and that is the spring, which has to come anyhow after winter and that is the cycle of life.


ABSTRACT: Racial Discrimination is when a person is treated less favourably than another person in a similar situation because of their race, colour, national or ethnic origin or immigrant status. In The Bluest eye ,Morrison took a different approach to the traditional White-Versus-Black racism. She acknowledged that most people are unaware of the racism that exists within a culture and often the racism that exists within themselves. Morrison’s essay describes a world free of racial hierarchy as dreamscape and unrealistic. Instead of such an imaginary place her works acknowledge cultural divides and the racism that exists within them. The middle class black society and the lower class black society, for example, are quite different from each other and are constantly conflicting .In The Bluest Eye ,Morrison distinguishes these divisions and their tensions through characters like Geraldine, Junior and Maureen Peal, who represent the privileged division of black culture .On the c ontrary,the less privileged division is represented by the MacTeer family and the ‘relentlessly and aggressively ugly’Breedlove family. Tension between the divided African American society is clearly represented by such characterization throughout Morrison’s Novel. African American literature is literature written by, about and sometimes specifically for African Americans, the black settlers in America. When the Africans settled in America, they were treated brutally by the Americans. They used them for their favour and hardly treated them as human beings. They wanted to show their protest so they used literature as the weapon to show their protest. The poet Phillis Wheatley and orator Frederick Douglass  were considered to be the beginners.Toni Morrision, Alice Walker etc followed their footsteps to show their protest. Chloe Anthony Wofford was born on Feb18, 1931,in Lorain, Ohio. She was second oldest of four childern. Her father George Wofford was a welder and her mother Ramah was a Chruch going women and sang in the choir.She took Latin in school and read many great works of European Literature. She was graduated in Lorain high school with honour in 1949.At Howard University, she was major in English and chose the classic for her minor. Since many people could not pronunce her name properly, she chose to cal herself Toni. After graduation in 1953 Toni continued her education at Cornell University. She married Harold Morrison and had two sons. But her married life was unhappy. Morrison went to work for Random House, were she edited works for such authors as Toni Cade Bambara and Gayl Jones. Mothers are almost always absent from the lives of Morrison’s characters ,having abandoned their children, died or simply disappeared .Despite the horrors of dislocation and slavery African American community searches for their Motherland, this was portrayed in the novels of Toni, as the absence of Mothers. The Novel †JAZZ† begins with a recap of Dorca’s murder and violet’s attack on her corpse. The couple that kill and then defaces the young girl seem immediately to be evil and immoral characters, but surprisingly Morrison goes on to flesh them out and to explain, in part ,that violet acts stem from suppressed anguish and disrupted childhoods. Racial discrimination is to treat differently a person or group of people based on their race.Power is a necessary precondition, for it depends on the ability to give or withhold social benefits, facilities, services, opportunities etc, from someone who should be entitled to them and are  denied on the basis of race, colour or national origin. Racial discrimination is when a person is treated less favourably than another person in a similar situation because of their race, colour, descent ,national or ethnic origin or immigrant status. For example, it would be ‘direct discrimination’ if a real estate agent refuses to rent a house to a Person because they are of a particular racial background or skin colour. It is also racial discrimination when there is a rule or policy that is the same for everyone but has an unfair effect on people of a particular race, colour descent , national or ethnic origin or immigrant status. This is called ‘indirect discrimination’. For example, it may be indirect racial discrimination if a company says that employees must not wear hats or other headwear at work, as this is likely to have an unfair effect on people from some racial/ethnic background. THE BLUEST EYE Morrison’s first novel, The Bluest eye, was published in 1970.It tells the story of a young African American girl who believes her incredibly difficult life would be better if only if only she has blue eyes. When society is racist against a person ,the victim can avoid those within society who have become particularly offensive .But when the dear and near ones reject them, there is no escape from the pain, At this time,a person become completely immersed in misery and go insane .This is the fate of Pecola Breedlove . For Pecola, constant abuse by society and her family made her so utterly alone. Her brother runs away from home by encouragement from his mother ,who rejects the family and goes to work for a white family .By working for the white family , she got everything that she wanted and was needed .In doing so, she rejects the needs of her family entirely , not even her own daughter could call her â€Å"mother† instead she forces to call her â€Å"Mrs .Breedlove† , a symbol of the unfamiliarity of the connection that should be  filled with love, but is only filled with hatred and rejection. This increased when Pecola is raped by her father,followed by her mother beating her until the baby dies .This final blow ,the hopelessness of rejection caused by both the internal and external racism, was what drove Pecola insane, and would drive any person to madness ,because the pain that this racism caused is the pain of being alone, a pain which no human can bear. The abuse from racism is never forgotten , it leaves a scar â€Å"the pain may recede after time ,but the scar remains† Pecola Breedlove,a eleven year old little black girl, is plain and homely. By orders of the country, the Macteers take Pecola into their home to temporarily take care of her until the Country finds another home for her. It is here that she meets and becomes best friends with Claudia and Frieda. She is not happy with herself and longs for blue eyes, as they are symbolic of American white beauty. Pecola has a very difficult life growing up, as people torment her for being black and ugly. She is also raped by her father, and eventually becomes pregnant with his baby. However, the baby dies. Her mother treats her coldly, as she believes Pecola is ugly and is ashamed of her. Morrison introduces the adult character Geraldine late in the novel in order to depict the same-race racism as widely spread among the ages. Geraldine’s racism is plainly stated when she warns her son that there are obvious â€Å"difference between coloured people and niggers. Coloured people are neat and quiet; niggers are dirty and loud â€Å"(The Bluest eye). Geraldine is not only warning her son of these differences, but she is also spreading a racial stereotype. Toni uses the symbol, Hollyhock flower as beauty, confidence and strength of the privileged black society. She uses Dandelions as the less privileged black society (i.e.) lower class as ugly, useless, unwanted. As member of the less privileged society, Pecola associates well with the dandelions and believes â€Å"they are pretty†. Pecola sees the beauty in the dandelions that she is actually seeing the beauty in  herself and in her society, while others do not. Geraldine’s cat represents yet another symbol of the privileged society. The cat is â€Å"as clean and quiet as she is†. Geraldine’s son, Junior was neglected by his self-absorbed, cat-loving and nigger-hating mother. Junior revolts against his mother’s racist beliefs by abusing the cat which represents all that is dear to her. Junior feels out of place and drawn towards the black children his mother shuns. Claudia and Frieda give up the money they had been saving and plant Marigold seeds in hopes that if the flowers bloom, Pocola’s baby will live; the Marigolds never bloom. This shows that the younger generation accepts all the people equally. â€Å"Everyone is a child of God and all are created equally†. Racial discrimination is not only the problem of previous generations. Even in this century, one could find the practice of racial discrimination. For instance, the popular dancer Michael Jackson underwent many cosmetics, operations and tolerated pains to show that he too could be on par with white people with white skin.